A while back I put together a computer history reading list of books I thought looked particularly interesting. Life being busy, as usual, it took me a while to get around to picking up any of the books on the list. But I finally managed to find some time to read again recently, and picked up Brian Kernighan’s recent memoir.
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There are 4 posts tagged computing (this is page 1 of 1).
Adam’s weekly update, 2022-11-27
What’s new
The first thing that’s new is… this post! I’m going to try to do at least a weekly post on the blog now, just a general update and some links. This will hopefully help me get back into the habit of writing on the blog regularly, and maybe inspire me to write a bit more in general.
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I listen to a fair number of podcasts these days, but I still follow way more feeds than I actively listen to. I recently went through and cleaned up the feeds I don’t listen to anymore, and I thought I’d share the ones that made the cut.
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For various reasons, I’ve been doing a little bit of career introspection lately. One of the interesting realizations to come out of this is that, despite in practice doing mostly software work, I’ve been happiest when my work involved a strong awareness of the hardware I was running on.
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